March 2024 News

Hello Tampa Bay Beach Boppers,

February was a good month for us. Attendance was higher than we’ve had for a while at the American Legion. It was great so see everyone. We’ve had 2 dances at the Gulf Harbors Civic Center in New Port Richey. We had enough attendance that we made money above our expenses. We will continue to have dances there. We’ll need everyone’s help to get the word out for both our dance venues. We’ve only had one dance venue for so long, so we are blessed to have another one to bring in more people and new members. We’ve had a few new members join last month, so the word seems to be getting out. We still have work to do and the board is working hard to come up with new ideas to bring in more people. This month we will celebrate St. Patrick’s Day at two of our dances. The first dance on March 8th at the Gulf Harbors Civic Center with DJ Doug Armstrong, and on March 15th at the American Legion with DJ Jane Harrington.

We’re getting more and more interest in our annual Beach Boogie dance in August, as more registrations are coming in. Please be advised that there are tables available to reserve your seat. The flyer is attached with the details. It is also available on our website (see listed above) that has all the information you need. I suggest you send in your registration and book your room soon. We sure want you all to be a part of a wonderful park and party dance event.

We appreciate everyone’s support. It is up to you to help pass the word. Dancing is such a great way to stay healthy. We aren’t getting any younger and life is so short to let it go by and sit at home. It is important to stay active and what better way than to DANCE! Take care and be safe.

Thank you,
David Spiegel, President


April Dance News